Since almost everyone has his/her own digital cameras, i just thought that sharing this would somehow help. Most owners do not know that digicams (especially the lenses) are very sensitive to humidity and molds, and that these can cause their cameras to deteriorate. To solve this, we need to store our investments in a drybox, basically a storage box with controlled humidity, so as not to allow molds to grow. A commercial drybox will cost you about P10,000 - P15,000, very very pricey!
So, the cheapskate that i am found a tip from my fellow tipid-pcers on how to create a homemade drybox, and here's how:
You need:
1 Air-tight container for your digicam (i used Lock&Lock)
1 Hygrometer (get an analog one at Blade or DIY shop) to measure the humidity inside the box
~ Silica Gel (available at Konica Glorietta 4)
Assembly (this could be tricky, so read carefully):
1. Open your Lock&Lock container
2. Place your Hygrometer in a way that you can easily see its face(s)
3. Put the Silica Get inside the container
4. Put your digicam, batteries, lenses, etc. inside
5. You're done!
Make sure that you obtain +- 40% on your Hygrometer, as that is the safe value of relative humidity. Do this by either adding or "charging" your Silica Gel.
I built mine last December 2006, here's how it looks like:You can also use this as a CD/DVD container, since these media disks are as sensitive to humid as you digicams.
Good luck!