
Figure Meister Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu Part 2

Posted by biboybob Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I've been so crazy about Haruhi Suzumiya (she's my second fave anime character, next to Saber of Fate/Stay series) that I wanted to complete at least their Figure Meister line of trading figures. I already have Part 1, and Part 3 is on it's way to toy stores this month, so I badly need to get Part 2!

This set was released last November 2007 and costs for about 4800 Yen for the whole blind box of eight figures (meaning you don't know which you'll get), and locally for about Php 400 each. This set consists of seven figures: a Haruhi in Santa costume, a Mikuru in casual wear and a variant, a Yuki in swimsuit and a Yuki variant, a Tsuruya in school uniform, and a variant. The cheapskate that I am, I waited until its price drops but unfortunately it didn't, and now all of the stores that I know, even those online, do not have any stock left!! T_T

Good thing I have very good and dependable comrades (a.k.a. toy bargain hunters^^), they told me that a set is still available at GreatToys at GoldCrest in Makati! I immediately went there after work, and true enough, they have the Part 2 set!

But there's a big BUT... they only have the set of four regular figures, no variants. They're selling it for Php 1350, around Php 335 each figure. Too bad they don't want to give me any discounts. T_T

By the way, for those of you who do not know what I am blogging about, and is not too annoyed to be curious, you can watch Haruhi and the rest of the SOS Brigade here.

*Promotional box covers are used in this blog ^^