
[PC] Angels Online MMORPG

Posted by biboybob Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bumped into this game a few weeks ago and been playing it since then. Angels Online (AO) is very much like our beloved (and hated) and ever popular Ragnarok Online (RO). Here you can create an avatar that looks like an anime version of yourself (or of your enemies, since you can choose skin colors such as green, violet, and black), and make them level up by killing monsters until you get bored or when your PC breaks down.

So why would someone want to play AO, if it is almost identical to RO? Here's a few:

AO is free-to-play-for-life. If you are so serious about it, or too ashamed of just using ordinary in-game items, then that's the only time that you should swipe those credit cards to buy in-game golds.

This is literally the better version of RO. Most of the disgusting features in RO are either removed or improved, and then new features were added (security, pet, trading, and leveling system, character build-up, etc.).

There are much more to do in AO. More than just hunting and hacking those poor unmindful monsters, there are practically unlimited quests in AO, where your help will be asked by other angels. Be it collecting monster poos for a cake, getting medicines for sick angels, or even wiping a baby angels butt, you'll never get bored easily as a new quest will be given to you from time to time for you to boost your ranks and get some golds.

RO players now s*ck. I've quit RO a few years ago because most of the players s*ck. Everyone wants to be someone, even hacking accounts, selling in-game items for real money, outpicking you of your drops... These players make the MMORPG world a little bit annoying.

AO avatars are cute. Maybe even cuter than RO's.

AO runs on an international server. This means that you'l have better chances of playing along with players throughout the world, and thus greater chances of having foreigner girlfriends/boyfriends in-game (or in real life, if you want ^^). Nice eh?

Here are some AO screenies:

AO-ing while workingI am the one riding the blue lizard. Those on piggies are my friends. We took this shot while playing at our office, pretending that we are busy working. ^^

tired of AO-ingMy league-mates and I are sitting after a tiring and nail-biting battle with Asmodeous, the most dreaded boss in AO.

If you don't have much to do with your life, or even at work*, AO is one good way to let your time pass by without even your boss noticing it. ^^