After seeing that The Last Airbender trailer some time last year along with other Avatar movie teaser, I said to myself: What's wrong with James Cameron copying that title from the animated series? Although his Avatar turned out be quite an entertaining movie, I never did get excited about it as much as I did with The Last Airbender. And then I hoped for another trailer which was granted a few weeks ago when this was released:
This second trailer is so awesome that the waiting time is almost killing me. I really want to see how they brought Aang's (mis)adventures to life, including those element-bending techniques from the cartoons. Not to mention seeing how Appa (that huge flying whatever) and Momo (the flying lemur) will look like. From left: Appa (flying), Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Momo
Aang's bluish arrow marks from the cartoons were ingeniously made into tatoos of mixed symbols in the movie, which made him look more mysterious. The setting, the temples, the clothes, and the surroundings are pretty much how they were on the series.
I just hope that this film is not too serious (this is M.Night Shyamalan's), since the Avatar series has some really funny episodes. Also, the Fire's Prince Zuko, the main villain, is played by Dev Patel, when the whole Kingdom should have been of Chinese race. Nonetheless, this is definitely one good reason to go to the cinemas this July.
To know more about what I am talking about, here's a Wiki primer. Or better yet, go watch at least the first 3 episodes of The Last Airbender, I'm sure you'll get hooked too. :D