
Nendoroid Mania!

Posted by biboybob Sunday, April 13, 2008

Been hearing a lot about Nendoroids, these little babies are quickly becoming the top priorities among anime collectors. A lot of them lurking around toy shops, online and not, even throwing their scaled and articulated competitors out!

So what are these Nendoroids really? No, they are not like Androids. After a few minutes of googling, I couldn't find a page where it is defined, at least in English. I am sure there should be in Japanese sites, but i guess it wouldn't be practical if I'll take Nihonggo lessons first before I post. Kidding. So, let me describe them for you, at least as how I see them.

Nendoroids are super-deformed versions of anime, game, move, etc characters. They usually come with a body too small for the large head, and with cute and funny facial expressions. They may be small but they are terribly adorable, and they do not come cheap. A single Nendo costs for about Php 1200-1600, just as pricey as their full-articulated counterparts. A box of 12 Nendo petits (smaller Nendos) would be around Php 3000-3500. Despite the price, they have been very popular even here in the Philippines, that a lot of characters are released, and a whole lot more are coming!

Light Yagami of Deathnote

L of Deathnote

Ryuk of Deathnote

Haruhi Suzumiya

... and the rest of her gang!

Miku Hatsune

Lucky Star stars

Irresistible, aren't they? But as much as I want to get hold of them, I think I would pass since getting one of them would mean getting all of them. Nendoroid mania, that is.

Sources: AkibaHobby, Good Smile Co